Thursday 13 January 2011

On savory things

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*Update: The bf and I made this again today, and this time I managed to sneak a few photos of the ingredients before the sun (if it was there behind the clouds) went down.  Hopefully these will be a bit more convincing!  And in the name of bad-pic honesty, the old photos are still here, they've just been moved down to the bottom of the post.

One of the reasons I rarely post about the savory dishes I make is that, well, I don't make that many.  The bf does most of the cooking, because he enjoys it and I don't so much.  That is, I enjoy the cooking part, but prep annoys the hell out of me, whereas he loves it.  So I usually leave it to him.

But as I've mentioned before, his schedule has become more demanding in the past 6 months, so I've been stepping up more.  Which leads me to the other reason I don't often post my savory creations (besides the fact that they rarely involve more than chicken breasts and some veggie in a frying pan with olive oil and salt): I make dinner at night.


And, of course, at night there's a notable dearth of natural light, which means my photos are crap (see above, and below).  For serious.  I could, theoretically, photograph leftovers the following day, but we tend not to have too many leftovers, and when we do the bf usually takes them into the hospital for lunch.  So that's out.

Nonetheless, I've decided that, in the spirit of healthy living (yelch) that's going around the blogosphere, I'll attempt to share more of our evening meals.  Starting with this delicious tuna ceviche we made waaaaaay back when it was hot enough outside to allow for a cold dinner.  The bf was supposed to post about this, hence his name on the sidebar as a contributor, but he's busy learning about saving lives and other such nonsense, so I'll step in.

The important thing about this dish was the fish.  We saw this amazing hunk of tuna (the pic does it no justice) at the fish counter in Waitrose, and snapped it up, and when we got home we couldn't bear to cook it so I looked up a recipe for ceviche.  Ceviche, which is basically seafood marinated in lime juice (which 'cooks' it a bit on the outside but leaves it incredibly tender and scrumptious), is one of my favorite things to eat in Mexico.  Or for that matter, San Francisco.  But I'd never tried to make it myself.

Turns out: easy peasy!  Not that I did much of the work, of course.  But basically you dice a piece of fish, then throw it in a bowl with lime juice, cilantro, olive oil, salt, garlic, and a bit of chile for a kick, and then you stick it in the fridge to cook itself for 15 minutes.  If you add avocado, as we did (yes, they suck here, but every now and again you get one without weird veins or tumors), it gets even better.

The recipe we used is from the New York Times, but to be honest I think we used it as more of a guideline than a recipe, so I'm not going to transcribe it here.  Suffice it to say: get yourself some awesome fish and a few limes and chilies, and go to town!

Oh, god, now I'm really craving ceviche...  sigh.

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